
美容~ 面膜常识

发帖者 馨韵公主™ 时间: 03:18
昨晚佳伊告诉我,她看过电视节目有说过不可以每天敷面膜。我就向她说,我的朋友(BF)也是每天敷面膜,所以现在她的皮肤好好哦~ 所以我才学她呀!
早上,报纸也说了面膜使用率不能太密。所以她就拍照穿给我看!天啊。。。我最近每天都敷面膜,甚至有时一天敷两次!!! -.-lll 看来,我要懒一些才行! ^_^
BF,当你看了我这篇文章后,也不要敷太密了。。。还有,还有,每次敷面膜不能太厚!我记得你说过你总是敷厚厚的面膜(其实我也是喜欢敷厚厚的面膜 @@" )!是时候该省点用面膜了!

6 评论:

Ohbin on 2008年5月6日 12:45 说...


Sakura on 2008年5月6日 14:04 说...

Princess, it is not recommend to put mask twice a day. The frequent and type of mask used is changed depends to the seasons, skin type and mask type to keep the balance of the oil and water of our skin. Normal type of mask is 保濕 that can be use more frequent if you are always in aircon room.For deep moisturizer, whitening, 深層清潔面膜 you just need to use it maybe once/twice a week. Below are some tips for you:
1. Steps: Cleanser -> toner -> mask (put while toner is not yet dry) -> lotion (some mask might need to wash face after put on)

2. Skin that look dull/darked might due to dead skin where we need to 去角質 once a week. wihtout 去角質, how frequent and expensive mask used is a waste as the 保養品 is blocked by the dead skin towards our real skin.

3. Normally mask used for not more than 10/15mins but if you are in dry room, you should take off the mask if you found it started to dry even if it is not yet 10min as the mask will start to absorb our skin moisture.

4. Suitable time for putting mask is around 9pm-11pm and try to reduce any out door activity after your night time skin care.

well, my skin is still worst as skin care is not only about mask, enough of sleep, water, correct method, all is important.



Sakura on 2008年5月6日 14:07 说...

Oh ya, for the Kose mask, due to it is a little bit asidic, hence you may use it maybe just one a week.

For daily skin care, you no need to use mask daily, you can use interchange with the eye mask.

馨韵公主™ on 2008年5月6日 20:44 说...

Ohbin, 我的美女朋友给了很多tips在这里了!就是她,我才会开始用面膜。。。哈哈。。。


choi yen on 2008年5月7日 11:52 说...


馨韵公主™ on 2008年5月9日 02:21 说...


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